Angus Main

Researcher and Lecturer specialising in creative and critical uses of technology

Collaborative Zine

As part of our ESRC & AHRC funded project researching Location Based VR Experiences in Japan and the UK, we developed experimental research methods for documenting and analysing our reflections on the research.

We worked with bookwork artist and RCA tutor Richard Nash to create a collaborative publication which iteratively provoked and recorded reflections and insights on our research project.

Through a series of online sessions, members of the research team met to discuss the project while also generating imagery in the form of sketches, photos and collages. Richard then coded a generative tool using Processing to create random assemblages and juxtapositions of our imagery.

These randomly assembled images were then turned into a physical zine, which was then posted from one member of the research group to another. We all took turns in reading and responding to the zine, by adding further notes and images, physically altering the pages, or layering in digital media and links to online resources.


A journal article documenting our process and findings can be found here:

(Image by Richard Nash)

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